The goal of the POSITION II project is to enable innovation in smart catheters and implants through the implementation of open technology platforms: Miniaturization, In-Tip AD Conversion, Wireless Communication, MEMS Transducer Technology, and Encapsulation. These platforms are accessible to a wide range of users and suitable for numerous applications.
IMS CHIPS is responsible for the development and commissioning of ASICs within the subproject "digital MRI safe EP catheter". The basic function of the ASIC is to read out up to 96 electrical signals of the cardiac ventricle, digitize the acquired data and provide them via an optical interface. For this purpose, novel circuit and filter concepts have to be developed and the resulting individual blocks have to be combined on a very small area to allow integration into the EP catheter.
EP catheters are needed in cardiology to detect damage in the ventricle. The developed MRI-safe EP catheter helps to localize the affected site more efficiently and specifically and can be used in an MRI environment thanks to its optical interface.
POSITION II is funded within the Microelectronics Research within the ECSEL JU in collaboration with the European Union and the BMBF.
Funding code BMBF: 16ESE0304 / EU: Ecsel-783132-Position-II-2017-IA.
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