Wind energy research test field in mountainous terrain

The increasing use of wind energy also requires the exploitation of mountainous areas with good wind conditions. In such a topography, irregular wind currents and air turbulence occur, which mechanically challenge the turbines and influence the turbine yield. How to optimally operate wind turbines even in such challenging locations is being investigated by ZSW and its partners of the WindForS research cluster in a test field on the Swabian Alb near Geislingen an der Steige.

This test field is considered internationally unique due to its research concept and complex location. One of the unique features of the project is that the scientists have unrestricted access to the control technology and design data of the turbines and can thus analyze and influence their behavior in detail. The research focus is on numerous technological improvements to the rotors and rotor blades as well as the development of optimized simulation and computer models.

The results of the analyses are to be transferred to commercial large-scale plants and provide new impulses for the industry. In addition, the test field will be used to research ecological interrelationships and interactions related to wind energy. The aim is to develop technologies that make the use of wind energy compatible with the preservation of ecological diversity and the protection of species.

Further information:

ZSW Stuttgart

Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg

Prof. Dr. Frithjof Staiß
Meitnerstr. 1
70563 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 7870-0

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