Actome -Detection of next generation proteins

The biotech spin-off "Actome" has developed a patented technology with which a multitude of different proteins and their interactions can be detected simultaneously. In the process known as emulsion coupling, the sample to be examined is divided into millions of microdroplets ("emulsion") and analysed for the co-localisation ("coupling") of genetic barcodes previously used to label the proteins. Therefore, established laboratory equipment for DNA analysis can be used. This generic detection method has the potential to significantly exceed the previously established analytical methods in terms of both parallelism and detection limit. With this approach, innovative diagnostic methods can be developed with which patients can be treated more individually and better with personalized therapies in the future.

Actome was founded in 2017 by Dr. Peter Koltay and Dr. Csaba Jeney from the IMTEK Laboratory for MEMS Applications (Prof. Dr. Zengerle) and Hahn-Schickard.

Antibody A for protein A and antibody B for protein B are marked with different DNA barcodes. After mixing and incubation with the sample, the solution is converted into an emulsion of ten to one hundred thousand homogeneous microdroplets. Amplification methods such as PCR or isothermal amplification make the barcodes contained in each droplet visible, individually.

Institute of Microanalysis Systems

Location Freiburg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Zengerle
Georges-Köhler-Allee 103
79110 Freiburg
Phone: +49 761 203-73275


Location Ulm
Sedanstraße 14
89077 Ulm

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